Outside of North America, using a bidet is the preferred method of cleaning after using the restroom. Perhaps in your travels to Europe (particularly France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal), you've seen them as they are commonly found in homes, hotels and restaurants. They are also popular in Asia - sometimes referred to as a Japanese toilet or washlet. They can be frequently found in the Middle-East, and parts of South America as well. In Argentina for example, almost every home has a bidet. And in Venezuela, having one will actually increase the value of your home.
In North America however, bidets are still very much in their infancy. When looking at readers' comments on the many bidet articles out there, a lot of people have heard of the bidet, but not sure what it is exactly. How does it work? Is it used to wash your feet? So, let's try to clear this up. The first thing to understand, is that all the bidets in the world can be grouped into three general families. These families are listed in order of evolution:
Basin-type Bidets - the first type of bidet ever created. These are actually separate porcelain fixtures that sit next to the toilet. Many basin-type bidets have a water spout at the bottom of the bowl which directs the water stream upwards to wash you as you squat over it. These are the bidets most North Americans think of when hearing about a bidet.
Simple Bidet Seat Attachments - these bidets attach to your existing toilet so they take up a lot less space in your bathroom. Often made of plastic, these bidet attachments come in varying levels of sophistication, with the simplest form being just a water extension from the cold water supply. The water flows through a wand which can be directed at your undercarriage.
Electronic Bidet Seat Attachments - this type of bidet also attaches to your existing toilet but as the name implies, is plugged in to an electrical outlet. These are the most modern and technologically advanced bidet types. Features include telescopic wash nozzles which retract when not in use, and a warm air dry to take care of residual moisture after washing.
Which type of bidet is the best for you? Well before answering, let's consider that most North American bathrooms weren't designed to handle an additional fixture next to the toilet. This probably leaves you to choose between one of the two bidet attachments.
The biggest advantage of the Simple Bidet Seat Attachment is cost. Many of these bidets can be found for less than 0 USD, and they do an effective job at cleaning. Many folks will find that this type of bidet will suffice, as it is certainly more effective than taking multiple wipes with toilet paper.
Then there's the Electronic Bidet which as stated, is the most advanced of the bunch. They are comparable to basin-type bidets in price - about 0 to 0 USD, and in addition to retractable wash nozzles and an air dry function, these bidets are equipped with a water heating system so you don't have to use cold water. They also have massage features like a pulsating water stream, and a temperature-controlled heated seat. To further illustrate, here's a video demonstration on the electronic bidet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sj8nCyrZbY
So there you have it. The next time a bidet comes up in a conversation, you can amaze your friends with your newfound knowledge of all the different bidet types, and its evolution.